Archive for the ‘ASCII art’ tag
Happy New Year: 3D picture of the coronavirus in SQL
In my New Year posts I usually try to recap and summarize the past year. It won't take long this time:
Fuck you, coronavirus!
Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I have to think of something to write about in this New Year's post.
So I was thinking, why not put a face to the name we all hate so much?
Let's use SQL to do some ray tracing and draw a 3D picture of the dreaded virus.
By now, I believe we are all familiar with the picture of the virus. It looks like a ball covered with spikes. The spikes look something like the solar corona, which is what gave the virus its name. They have this distinct triangular shape.
We'll create a sphere covered with several dozens of spikes.
Every spike will be a small pyramid, with an equilateral triangle as a base and isosceles triangles as lateral faces. This means it will be a right pyramid.
The pyramids will be "standing" on their apexes, upside-down. The height of every pyramid will be perpendicular to the sphere surface and continue the sphere's radius at the apex.
Then we will implement the pinhole camera model and use ray tracing algorithms to calculate the lighting of the sphere and the spikes.
3D modeling heavily uses vector algebra. Of course pure SQL offers enough math functions to get around. But functions and routines are not first class citizens in SQL, which means we would have to copy-paste the bulky vector manipulation formulas every time we will need them, which would make our query unwieldy really fast.
This is a good chance to get familiar with PostgreSQL's rich system of custom types and custom operators. It lets users define their own types, create functions to work with them and even overload the operators.
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Happy New Year: a stereogram in SQL
I'm spending this New Year holiday in sunny Florida.
One of its most beautiful places is the Everglades: the endless sea of grass, extending to the horizon, as far as the eye can see and beyond, and teeming with life.
There are all kinds of animals there. Herons, egrets, anhingas; fish, turtles, snakes; otters, skunks, small rodents; and of course, the king of Florida's wetlands, the American alligator.
The alligator is a well-oiled killing machine. It's motionless and extremely energy efficient when resting, but deadly fast when hunting. When the alligator is hunting, its eyes instantly track the faintest motion — and a fierce jump in any direction will follow immediately.
I was on a guided tour, and the tour guide mentioned that the alligators have binocular vision. The fields of view of their two eyes overlap, giving the predator the ability to estimate the direction and the distance to its prey more accurately.
We humans also have binocular vision. It allows us to see the world in three dimensions. When we are looking at an object with our two eyes, each eye sees it at a slightly different angle. The closer the thing is to us, the more the difference. This effect is called binocular parallax, and our brain can use it to estimate the distance to the object.
There are ways to trick the brain into believing something is 3D while it's not. To do this, we need a way to project a different image into each eye. There are lots of ways to do that: think holograms, polarized glasses, tilt cards, and many more.
Most of those methods require special equipment and materials, either to see or to produce the image. Maybe even both.
However, there is a way to see a three-dimensional image even on a simple piece of paper (or a plain LCD monitor without any 3D capabilities). It is technically called an autostereogram but most people know them as Magic Eye pictures.
A picture like this looks like repeating patterns of random dots or characters. The frequency of the patterns encodes the three-dimensional image: the close is the part of the image to the observer, the more frequent are the patterns.
It takes some effort to see the depth in what at first seems to be a random dot pattern. Not everyone can do that on the first try. There are lots of resources online which teach how to do that. The good thing is it's like riding a bicycle: once you got it right for the first time, there's no going back, it's always there with you.
Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated by the stereograms. So the moment I heard the words "binocular vision" from the tour guide, I instantly knew what would this New Year post be about.
Let's make a stereogram in PostgreSQL!
Happy New Year: GIF decoder in SQL
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As readers of my blog know, SQL is a wonderful tool for graphics processing. You can use it to draw Mandelbrot sets, table game boards and even snowflakes, all in a single query.
As I was preparing this year's entry, I found myself all out of ideas. What image shall we be generating this year? A cat? A pig? A winter scenery? It's all doable in SQL (or course), however I couldn't make myself pick anything in particular. And frankly speaking, even with all the power of SQL at my hands, I'm a lousy artist.
Then an idea struck me. Why try and create art when there's so many excellent artists out there on the Internet, whose work I could just steal put to fair use? And my phone camera makes better pictures than I could ever aspire to create myself.
Images that come out of the camera or from the Internet are all digital and compressed. Digital is of course a good thing when it comes to computer processing, but compressed is a challenge. And challenges is something I like.
So this year, we will be creating a GIF decoder in SQL.
GIF is one of the earliest compressed image storage formats, famous for its early adoption by the World Wide Web and for being named with an acronym no one can agree how to pronounce correctly. At its core lies LZW, a lossless compression algorithm which uses dictionary tables to encode repeating patterns of data. GIF is not the best format out there, of course, and it has fallen out of use in the last years (or even decades). Its algorithm, however, is not particularly memory or CPU intensive and as the image compression algorithms go, its implementation is quite simple. In other words, it makes a perfect SQL exercise.
To become familiar with GIF, I used an excellent GIF tutorial called What's in a GIF? by Eric. S Raymond and Mike Flickinger. This tutorial is built around explanation of contents of a tiny sample GIF file:
and this file is what we will be using during the first part of our journey.
Let's get started!
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One of the best New Year presents I've ever got was a copy of the German-style board game, The Settlers of Catan.
This game has brought me and my friends many an hour of good entertainment.
The game is played on a hexagon field with 19 hexagon tiles (3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3), which have to be randomly put into appropriate places. In addition, 18 of those tiles have a score token on it, which has to be put there, also randomly, albeit with some limitations. Finally, 9 more pieces (harbors) have to be randomly put to their places, which are printed on the game field.
Today, we'll be implementing the Almanac Variable Catan setup using SQL.
Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of Life in SQL
It's Yuletide again and today I'd like to tell about an old tradition in Russia. Its origins can be traced back to pre-Christian, pagan rites of the ancient Slavic tribes.
Each year on the Christmas eve, when it is freezing cold outside and the Grandfather Frost comes out to inspect his vast domain, young girls gather in an old, poorly lit bathhouse and try to look into the future.
There are many ways to do a Christmas divination: some prefer candle wax, some go with cats or mirrors, some use a good old deck of cards. But the old women can tell you of another way to look into the future. It requires skill and patience, but it is said an intrepid soul brave enough to look the eternity in the eye can unveil the mystery of the future and see the good and the bad that the next year will bring.
To do this, you need a large enough checkered board and a bag of dried beans, black and white. Carefully arranging the black beans into letters three squares wide and five squares tall, you write your question on the board. When ready, you exclaim the magic words: "RENDRAG! YAWNOC! NNAMEUN NOV!" and begin the magic rite.
Those of you who can spell backwards can scroll down now.
Those who are not familiar with Conway's Game of Life and don't believe in Christmas magic, can google for it (do it, if you never have, it's fun).
And I will go on and explain the rules to the rest of my readers who do believe in magic pagan rites.
First, you check how many black beans surround each tile on the board. If it is surrounded by exactly two black beans, it stays the same next turn, for the two is the number of the true love; if it is surrounded by exactly three, it gets the bean next turn, for the three is the number of new life; any other number means the tile is empty the next turn, for empty is the world devoid of life and love.
You use the white beans to mark the tiles which are to get or to lose the bean on the next turn, for white means change.
If you are close to the edge of the board and don't have adjacent tiles from either side, wrap around to another side, that is top to bottom, left to right or vice versa. This symbolizes the old belief that our world was bagel-shaped.
Singing an ancient song, you do the divination turn by turn, moving the beans around. With time, certain patterns emerge on the board. Some resemble a crane, some resemble a beehive, other just seems chaotic. When you do as many turns as there are days in the new year, you look at the patterns and interpret them.
Now, let's try to do this in SQL. We'll be using PostgreSQL 9.4 as it supports some very nice features.
Happy New Year: view of Earth from space in SQL
It's been a really long year.
The blog has not been updated during this year. I focused on improving my SQL skills and helping other folks to improve theirs.
During this year Explain Extended has become a team. We now do SQL consulting and database development. I'll write a post about it soon, but send me a message if you're impatient to wait.
Now, to the new year post.
New Year has always seemed like the most global thing to me. It does not happen to everyone at once. When I was a kid I wanted to go to space and see the New Year marching through the planet with my own eyes (and it's not that I don't want it anymore).
Now we have satellite images and such, but with a little effort we can see how our planet looks from space using SQL.
To do this, we need some map data, basic math and pretty simple SQL. I'll use PostgreSQL for that.
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Happy New Year: drawing snowflakes in SQL
This winter is anomalously warm in Europe, there is no snow and no New Year mood. So today we will be drawing a snowflake in PostgreSQL.
#1. A little theory
Core of a snowflake is six large symmetrical ice crystals growing from the common center. Out of these larger crystals other, smaller, crystals grow.
The overall shape of the snowflake is defined by how large do crystals grow and where exactly are they attached to each other.
These things are defined by fluctuations in air and temperature conditions around the snowflake. Because the flake itself is very small, in any given moment the conditions are nearly identical around each crystal, that's why the offspring crystals pop up in almost same places and grow to almost same lengths. Different flakes, though, constantly move to and from each other and are subject to very different fluctuations, and that's why they grow so unique.
Except for the root crystals (of which there are six), the child icicles grow in symmetrical pairs. More than that, each branch grows their own children (also in pairs), so on each step there are twice as many crystals, but they all share almost same length and angle. This gives the snowflake its symmetrical look.
So we can easily see that, despite the fact there may be many child crystals, the shape of a snowflake is defined by a relatively small number of parameters: how many children each crystal produces, where are they attached to it, at which angle they grow and to which length.
Now, let's try to model it.
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Happy New Year: drawing clock in SQL
Some say SQL is not good at graphics.
Well, they have some point. Database engines lack scanner drivers, there is no easy way to do sepia, and magic wand, let's be honest, is just poor.
However, you can make some New Year paintings with SQL.
Let's make a New Year clock showing 12 o'clock in Oracle.