How to create fast database queries

Archive for June 11th, 2009

Flattening timespans: SQL Server

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From Stack Overflow:

I have lots of data with start and stop times for a given ID and I need to flatten all intersecting and adjacent timespans into one combined timespan.

To make things a bit clearer, take a look at the sample data for 03.06.2009:

The following timespans are overlapping or contiunous and need to merge into one timespan:

date start stop
2009.06.03 05:54:48:000 10:00:13:000
2009.06.03 09:26:45:000 09:59:40:000

The resulting timespan would be from 05:54:48 to 10:00:13.

Since there's a gap between 10:00:13 and 10:12:50, we also have the following timespans:

date start stop
2009.06.03 10:12:50:000 10:27:25:000
2009.06.03 10:13:12:000 11:14:56:000
2009.06.03 10:27:25:000 10:27:31:000
2009.06.03 10:27:39:000 13:53:38:000
2009.06.03 11:14:56:000 11:15:03:000
2009.06.03 11:15:30:000 14:02:14:000
2009.06.03 13:53:38:000 13:53:43:000
2009.06.03 14:02:14:000 14:02:31:000

which result in one merged timespan from 10:12:50 to 14:02:31, since they're overlapping or adjacent.

Any solution, be it SQL or not, is appreciated.

This is also quite a common task.

The algorithm here is simple:

  1. Order all timespans by start
  2. Initialize a variable which will hold a running maximum of the timespans' stop
  3. Take the timespans one by one, and for each next timespan, check its start against a running maximum of the previous stop's. If the current start is greater than the maximum of previous stop's, it means that all timespans that started earlier have been ended, and we have a gap
  4. Update the running maximum

Unfortunately, SQL Server does not provide a simple way to calculate running maximums. We could use a correlated subquery of course, but it would take forever.

This is one of quite rare cases when cursor in SQL Server work faster than set-based operations.

Let's create a sample table and see how it works:
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Written by Quassnoi

June 11th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server