How to create fast database queries

Archive for May, 2009

Checking event dates

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From Stack Overflow:

Suppose the following table structure in Oracle:

start_date DATE,
end_date DATE

Is there a way to query all of the events that fall on a particular day of the week?

For example, I would like to find a query that would find every event that falls on a Monday.

Figuring out if the start_date or end_date falls on a Monday is easy, but I'm not sure how to find it out for the dates between.

This is one of the range predicates which are very unfriendly to plain B-Tree indexes.

But even if there would be a range friendly index (like R-Tree), that would hardly be an improvement. Monday's make up 14.3% of all days, that means that an index if there were any, would have very low selectivity even for one-day intervals.

And if the majority of intervals last for more than one day, the selectivity of the condition yet decreases: 86% of 6-day intervals have a Monday inside.

Given the drawbacks of index scanning and joining on ROWID, we can say that a FULL TABLE SCAN will be a nice access path for this query, and we just need to represent it as an SQL condition (without bothering for its sargability)

We could check that a Monday is between end_date's day-of-week number and the range length's offset from this number:

FROM    "20090507_dates".event
WHERE   6 BETWEEN MOD(start_date - TO_DATE(1, 'J'), 7) AND MOD(start_date - TO_DATE(1, 'J'), 7) + end_date - start_date

This query converts each ranges into a pair of zero-based, Tuesday-based day of week offsets, and returns all records which have day 6 (a Monday) inside the range.

Note that we don't use Oracle's TO_DATE('D') function here: starting day of week depends on NLS_TERRITORY which only leads to confusion.

Now, this query works but looks quite ugly. And if we will check for more complex conditions, it will become even uglier.

What if we need to find all ranges that contain a Friday, 13th? Or a second week's Thursday? The conditions will become unreadable and unmaintainable.

Can we do it in some more elegant way?

What if we just iterate over the days of the range and check each day for the condition? This should be much more simple than inventing the boundaries.

Let's create a sample table and try it:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 7th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in Oracle


with 6 comments

From Stack Overflow:

I have an SQL query that looks something like this:

FROM    (
SELECT  t.*, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ID) rn
FROM    mytable t
WHERE   rn BETWEEN :start and :end

Essentially, it's the ORDER BY part that's slowing things down. If I were to remove it, the EXPLAIN cost goes down by an order of magnitude (over 1,000 times).

I've tried this:

SELECT  t.*, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ID) rn
FROM    mytable t
WHERE   rownum BETWEEN :start and :end

, but this doesn't give correct results.

Is there any easy way to speed this up? Or will I have to spend some more time with the EXPLAIN tool?

First, just a quick reminder on how ROWNUM works. From Oracle's documentation:

Conditions testing for ROWNUM values greater than a positive integer are always false. For example, this query returns no rows:

FROM    employees

The first row fetched is assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and makes the condition false. The second row to be fetched is now the first row and is also assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and makes the condition false. All rows subsequently fail to satisfy the condition, so no rows are returned.

That's why the second query should look like this:

FROM    (
FROM    mytable t
paginator, id
WHERE   rn BETWEEN :start and :end

Now, let's see the performance. To do this, we'll create a sample table:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 6th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in Oracle

PostgreSQL: row numbers

with 2 comments

Note: this article concerns PostgreSQL 8.3 and below.

PostgreSQL 8.4 introduces window functions.

Window function ROW_NUMBER() implements the functionality in question more efficiently.

ROWNUM is a very useful pseudocolumn in Oracle that returns the position of each row in a final dataset.

Upcoming PostgreSQL 8.4 will have this pseudocolumn, but as for now will we need a hack to access it.

The main idea is simple:

  1. Wrap the query results into an array
  2. Join this array with a generate_series() so that numbers from 1 to array_upper() are returned
  3. For each row returned, return this number (as ROWNUM) along the corresponding array member (which is the row from the original query)

Let's create a table with multiple columns of different datatypes, write a complex query and try to assign the ROWNUM to the query results:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 5th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in PostgreSQL

Assigning people

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Answering questions asked on the site.

Greg asks:

I have two tables, tasks and resources.

Tasks contains cost of each task: first requires 5 people to complete, second requires 3 people etc.

Resources is just a list of people.

How do I assign people to tasks?

This is in MySQL.

Thanks for a nice question, Greg.

Unfortunately, you haven't sent your table structure, so I will have to make it up.

Let's create the tables:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 4th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in MySQL

PostgreSQL: optimizing DISTINCT

with 8 comments

In PostgreSQL (as of 8.3, at least), performance of DISTINCT clause in SELECT list is quite poor.

Probably because DISTINCT code in PostgreSQL is very, very old, it always acts in same dumb way: sorts the resultset and filters out the duplicate records.

GROUP BY that can be used for the same purpose is more smart, as it employs more efficient HashAggregate, but its performance is still poor for large dataset.

All major RDBMS's, including MySQL, are able to jump over index keys to select DISTINCT values from an indexed table. This is extremely fast if there are lots of records in a table but not so many DISTINCT values.

This behavior can be emulated in PostgreSQL too.

Let's create a sample table:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 3rd, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in PostgreSQL

GROUP_CONCAT in PostgreSQL without aggregate functions

with one comment

In one of the previous articles:

Aggregate concatenation

, I described an aggregate function to concatenate strings in PostgreSQL, similar to GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL.

It's very useful if you have a complex GROUP BY query with multiple conditions.

But for some simple queries it's possible to emulate GROUP_CONCAT with pure SQL, avoiding custom functions at all.

Let's create a table to demonstrate our task:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 2nd, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in PostgreSQL


with 6 comments

SQL Server 2005 introduced new datatype: VARCHAR(MAX).

This is a replacement of old TEXT that can do anything that TEXT could, and something that TEXT could not.

Something includes possibility of being queried and compared like a plain VARCHAR. A really nice feature.

FROM    [20090501_max].t_bigdata
WHERE   value LIKE 'lorem ipsum dolor sit%'

Unfortunately, VARCHAR(MAX) is still far from a plain VARCHAR. For instance, it cannot serve as an index key. It can be a part of an index (the column is included to the index leaves to avoid table lookups when using the index), but not the key of an index (the index leaves are not sorted on this column).

This means that the queries using LIKE predicate on this column will be slow.

Let's create a sample table:
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Written by Quassnoi

May 1st, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server