How to create fast database queries

Archive for February 4th, 2010

Index search time depends on the value being searched

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Answering questions asked on the site.

Daniel asks:

I have a table which stores track titles in a VARCHAR(200) field. The field is indexed, but searching for titles beginning with a letter Z is noticeably slower than for those beginning with A, and the closer the initial letter is to Z, the slower is the query.

My understanding is that a full table scan occurs, but EXPLAIN shows that the index is used. Besides, the table is quite large but the query is still reasonably fast.

Could you please explain this behavior?

MySQL stores its indexes in B-Tree data structures.

The Wikipedia link above explains the structure quite well so I won't repeat it. I'll rather draw a picture similar to the one in the article:

This picture is quite self-explanatory. The records are sorted in a tree order, so if you are searching for a certain value, say, 11, you, starting from the first page, should find the link to follow. To do this, you need to find the pair of values less than and greater than 11. In this case, you should follow the link which is between 8 and 12. Then you search for the next pair, etc, until you find your value or reach the end and make sure that your value is not there.

Following the links is quite simple, but how does the engine search for the values within one page?

This depends on how you declared the table.

MyISAM supports two algorithms for storing the index keys in a page: packed keys and unpacked keys.
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Written by Quassnoi

February 4th, 2010 at 11:00 pm

Posted in MySQL