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SQL Server 2005: finding foreign keys that have no index

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From Stack Overflow:

How can I programmatically determine which foreign key are missing indexes?

Concise. Let's try to answer it.

A foreign key involves two tables: a referencing one and a referenced one.

In most databases, some kind of a unique key is required on the referenced table (this may be a PRIMARY KEY or just a UNIQUE constraint). This is by design (when we delete a UNIQUE value, we always delete last instance of this value).

However, indexing the FOREIGN KEY fields in the referencing table is not required. Database can function even without this index. However, this can make deletes from the referenced table slow (to validate the relationship we should perform a full table lookup on the referenced table). It almost always makes sense to index the FOREIGN KEY fields.

For an index on the FOREIGN KEY fields to be of use, its leading key part should consist of all columns that comprise the FOREIGN KEY, in any order. Since FOREIGN KEY checks are always equijoins, not range joins, the order of columns does not matter as long as they are leading in the key.

Consider a constraint: FOREIGN KEY (col1, col2) REFERENCES othertable. Which indexes are good for this foreign key?

Index Is good?
col1 No. Though it's better than nothing, only the part of the foreign key can be used in the index range.
col1, col2 Yes. It's a classical case
col2, col1 Yes. The order does not matter, since we are searching for exact values of both col1 and col2
col2, col1, col3 Yes. Despite an extra column, this index can be used to filter on col1 and col2
col3, col1, col2 No. Though both col1 and col2 are indexed, they are not in the leftmost part of the index

So for each foreign key, we should check the following condition: there exists at least one index whose leading part consists of (and only of) all columns that constitute the key.

In SQL Server 2005, the information about indexed columns is stored in sys.index_column. Since indexes can be composite, this is a one-to-many relationship, where index_id and column_id define the index and the column indexed with it, while index_column_id defines column's ordinal position in the index.

For an index to satisfy the foreign key, two conditions should be fulfilled:

  1. The number of columns in the index that are also a part of the foreign key should be equal to the maximal index_column_id. This ensures that all columns constitute the leftmost part of the index.
  2. The number of columns in the index that are also a part of the foreign key should be equal to the number of columns in the foreign key. This ensures that all foreign key columns are indexed.

And here's the query:

SELECT  fk.name, s.name, o.name,
FROM    sys.foreign_keys fk
JOIN    sys.objects o
ON      o.object_id = fk.parent_object_id
JOIN    sys.schemas s
ON      s.schema_id = o.schema_id
FROM    sys.index_columns ic
FROM    sys.foreign_key_columns fkc
WHERE   fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
AND fkc.parent_object_id = ic.object_id
AND fkc.parent_column_id = ic.column_id
HAVING  COUNT(*) = MAX(index_column_id)
FROM    sys.foreign_key_columns fkc
WHERE   fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id

Now, let's create some sample tables and check this query:

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Written by Quassnoi

September 10th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: leading wildcard match using an index

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From Stack Overflow:

I'm joining to a table dozens of different times, and every time, I join (or filter) based on the results of a SUBSTRING of one of the columns (it's a string, but left-padded with zeros, and I don't care about the last four digits).

As a result, even though this column is indexed and my query would use the index, it does a table scan because the SUBSTRING itself isn't indexed, so SQL Server has to calculate it for every row before as it's joining.

I'm looking for any ideas on how to speed up this process.

This problem is called leading wildcard match. Though it's possible to implement it, it usually requires indexing all possible combinations of substrings which usually bloats the index.

However, in this very case it's possible to create quite an efficient index. It is possible because the number of characters we need to trim from the right is fixed.

The main idea is to create a computed column which would store trimmed and reversed value of the string, index that column and use this index in search.

Let's create a sample table:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 24th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: finding date closest to a birthdate

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From Stack Overflow:

The problem is with dynamically getting upcoming what we call namedays in Europe.

Name day is a tradition in many countries in Europe and Latin America of celebrating on a particular day of the year associated with the one's given name.

Here's a sampe name day table (I store the date in this format: 1900-08-22, but we really only need month and day):

First name Name day
Bob 1900-04-22
Bob 1900-09-04
Frank 1900-01-02

The trick is that there might be multiple name days for each name, and someones name day is always the first one found after ones birthday.

So if Bob was born on August 5th, his name day would fall on September 4th, but if we were born after Sep 4th, his name day would be on April 22nd.

We need to find when a given person celebrates his/her name day based on the first name and birthdate.

What I need is an SQL Server query that will be able to get me name days for the people in my database.

We actually need to make the calendar to wrap around: to build a condition that would select 1904, Jan 1st after 1904, Dec 31th.

We can do it using a COALESCE on the simple queries in OUTER APPLY clause.

Let's create sample tables:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 21st, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: efficient DISTINCT on dates

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From Stack Overflow:

I am wondering if there is a good-performing query to select distinct dates (ignoring times) from a table with a datetime field in SQL Server.

My problem isn't getting the server to actually do this (I've seen this question already, and we had something similar already in place using DISTINCT).

The problem is whether there is any trick to get it done more quickly.

With the data we are using, our current query is returning ~80 distinct days for which there are ~40,000 rows of data (after filtering on another indexed column), there is an index on the date column, and the query always manages to take 5+ seconds. Which is too slow.

The problem with this query is that no distinct list of truncated dates is easily accessible.

That's why SQL Server has to fetch all the dates from the table (or from the index) and distinctify them somehow.

In Oracle we could probably create a function-based index that would index the truncated part of a DATETIME column. Then it would just use jump over the distinct index keys.

Same is possible in MySQL (however, the latter does not support function-based indexes, so one has to update the date-only column manually).

SQL Server does support indexes on computed columns, however, its optimizer lacks ability to skip distinct records in an index.

That's why creating an index on a computed column doesn't help.

But since we are talking about the dates, it's possible to emulate this behavior to some extent using a recursive CTE that would generate a list of dates, and the checking each date.

Let's create a sample table:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 20th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

Efficient date range query: SQL Server

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From Stack Overflow:

I have a table A that has a startDate and an endDate as 2 DATETIME columns besides some more other columns.

I have another table B that has one DATETIME column (call it dates column).

This is in SQL Server 2005.

How to best set up the indexes etc to get the following:

FROM a, b
WHERE a.startDate >= b.dates
AND a.endDate < b.dates [/sourcecode] Both tables have several thousand records.

Queries of this kind involve searching a table for a range that contains a given constant and plain B-Tree indexes are not good for this query.

A B-Tree index (or any other index that relies on sorting) is efficient for searching a column in a range between a minimal and maximal value (an unknown value between two constants).

However, this query is just the opposite: we search for a constaint between two unknown values.

If we create the indexes on startDate and endDate and issue a query with a condition like this:

startDate <= value AND endDate > value

, this will just give two range condition on two distinct indexes:

-INF <= startDate <= value
value < endDate <= +INF

Each of these ranges is too large to be efficient for searching, though their intersection can be quite small.

There is a special class of indexes: R-Tree indexes, which handle the conditions as described above just perfectly. They are mostly used to query 2-dimensional GIS data, that's why in MySQL they are called SPATIAL indexes.

In both these systems they can only be defined over geometry data which implies 2-dimensional objects (Points, LineStrings and such).

There is a way to use these indexes to speed up the query described above (see the article behind the link on how to do it in MySQL):

However, SQL Server 2005 does not support SPATIAL indexes.

In theory, an R-Tree index could be built over 1-dimensional data just as well, but no database of the major four supports it (as for now).

However, quite a close structure can be implemented using plain B-Tree indexes, and in this article I'll show how to do it.

Let's create a sample table:
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Written by Quassnoi

August 11th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

Fallback language names: SQL Server

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This is a series of articles on efficient querying for a localized name, using a default (fallback) language if there is no localized name:

From Stack Overflow:

I have table item and another table language which contains names for the items in different languages:

item language data

How do I select a French name for an item if it exists, or a fallback English name if there is no French one?

We basically have three options here:

  1. Use COALESCE on two SELECT list subqueries
  2. Use COALESCE on the results of two LEFT JOINS
  3. Use the combination of methods above: a LEFT JOIN for French names and a subquery for English ones

Yesterday, we saw that the second option (two LEFT JOINs) is best in Oracle if the probability of the fallback is high (i. e. the localization is poor and but few terms are translated into the local language). I took Latin language as an example for this.

Third query (a LEFT JOIN with the local language rowset and a subquery in a COALESCE to retrive the fallback language names) is best if there is a low probability of a fallback, i. e. almost all terms are translated. In this case, I took French as an example, since it is widely used and localizations are likely to cover most terms.

Today we will see how same queries work in SQL Server.

Let's create sample tables:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 7th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: deleting adjacent values (improved)

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Yesterday, I wrote an article on how to delete adjacent values from a table in SQL Server:

A quick reminder of the problem, taken from Stack Overflow:

I am trying to selectively delete records from an SQL Server 2005 table without looping through a cursor.

The table can contain many records (sometimes more than 500,000) so looping is too slow.

id unitId day interval amount
1 100 10 21 9.345
2 100 10 22 9.367
3 200 11 21 4.150
4 300 11 21 4.350
5 300 11 22 4.734
6 300 11 23 5.106
7 400 13 21 10.257
8 400 13 22 10.428

Values of (UnitID, Day, Interval) are unique.

In this example I wish to delete records 2, 5 and 8, since they are adjacent to an existing record (based on the key).

Note: record 6 would not be deleted because once 5 is gone it is not adjacent any longer.

To delete adjacent values, we should select continous ranges of intervals and delete each even row from each continous range.

In the previous article, I used a subquery to do this:

WITH   rows AS
        SELECT  *,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                PARTITION BY
                        SELECT  TOP 1 qi.id AS mint
                        FROM    [20090803_adjacent].records qi
                        WHERE   qi.unitid = qo.unitid
                                AND qi.day = qo.day
                                AND qi.interval < = qo.interval
                                AND NOT EXISTS
                                SELECT  NULL
                                FROM    [20090803_adjacent].records t
                                WHERE   t.unitid = qi.unitid
                                        AND t.day = qi.day
                                        AND t.interval = qi.interval - 1
                        ORDER BY
                                qi.interval DESC
                ORDER BY interval
                ) AS rnm
        FROM    [20090803_adjacent].records qo
FROM    rows
WHERE   rnm % 2 = 0

This subquery traverses adjacent intervals until it find the first interval that has no predecessor.

Its id then serves as a range identifier in a PARTITION BY clause.

However, this query can be improved.

Assume we have the following intervals:


We have three ranges here: 3:6, 10:12 and 20:21.

To identify a continuous range of intervals, we first should calculate a per-partition ROW_NUMBER of these intervals:

interval ROW_NUMBER
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 4
10 5
11 6
12 7
20 8
21 9

ROW_NUMBERs, by definition, don't have gaps within the partition, while the intervals can have gaps. However, inside each range ROW_NUMBERs increase with intervals.

This means that we can just subtract ROW_NUMBER from the interval:

interval ROW_NUMBER ROW_NUMBER - interval
3 1 2
4 2 2
5 3 2
6 4 2
10 5 5
11 6 5
12 7 5
20 8 12
21 9 12

Within each range, this difference is a constant. When a gap occurs, this difference changes.

Therefore, the value of this difference identifies a range within each partition, and can be used for partitioning ranges just as well.

This should be more efficient since it does not use the subqueries.

Let's create a sample table and check:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 4th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: deleting adjacent values

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From Stack Overflow:

I am trying to selectively delete records from an SQL Server 2005 table without looping through a cursor.

The table can contain many records (sometimes more than 500,000) so looping is too slow.

id unitId day interval amount
1 100 10 21 9.345
2 100 10 22 9.367
3 200 11 21 4.150
4 300 11 21 4.350
5 300 11 22 4.734
6 300 11 23 5.106
7 400 13 21 10.257
8 400 13 22 10.428

Values of (UnitID, Day, Interval) are unique.

In this example I wish to delete records 2, 5 and 8, since they are adjacent to an existing record (based on the key).

Note: record 6 would not be deleted because once 5 is gone it is not adjacent any longer.

The result of the query should be a table where no adjacent records exist, i. e. nothing should be returned after we run the following query:

FROM    mytable qi
        SELECT  NULL
        FROM    mytable t
        WHERE   t.unitid = qi.unitid
                AND t.day = qi.day
                AND t.interval = qi.interval - 1

However, we should leave as many records as possible, so that we delete only the records absolutely necessary to delete.

If we just delete everything, the query above will not return any records just as well, but it's not our goal.

The problem is that the records we delete can influence adjacency of other records. In the example above, record 6 is adjacent to 5, and record 5 is adjacent to 4.

So we could delete 4 and 6 (and leave only 5), and at the same time we could delete only 5 (and leave 4 and 6 which are not adjacent anymore since the 5 has been deleted).

In SQL Server, no DML query can see its own results, so a DELETE a with a naive EXISTS condition would delete 6 just as well, since it would not notice that 5 was deleted beforehand.

However, we can formulate the delete condition.

We need to split our records into the sets of continous ranges, without gaps within any range. All adjacent records should go into one range.

The first record of any range should never be deleted, since it is not adjacent to any record before it (if there were any record before this, that record would go into the range before the record in question, and the latter would not be first in its range).

The second record of any range should be deleted, since it's adjacent to the first record (that is guaranteed to stay in the table, as we decided a step earlier).

The third record should not be deleted, since it was adjacent to the second record which is doomed, and after the second record will be deleted, the third record will not be adjacent anymore, etc.

In other words, we should delete each even record from each continuous range. This algorithm guarantees that no adjacent records will be left and that we delete as few records as possible.

The only problem is to group the adjacent records and find their row numbers within each range so that we can filter the even rows.

It is best done by iterating the records up from the current and returning the id of the first matching record which is not superseded (i. e. for which there is no record with (uintId, day, interval - 1). This can be done in a subquery right in the PARTITION BY clause of the ROW_NUMBER function.

Let's create a sample table and compose the query:

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Written by Quassnoi

August 3rd, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

SQL Server: random records avoiding CTE reevaluation

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From Stack Overflow:

I need to get 5 random records from a table plus a further record based on data from the users preferences.

How can I combine the two statements whilst ensuring that no results are repeated (i. e. the favourite is not present in the 5 random records)?

We should select the 6th record so that it would satisfy two conditions: first, it should be preferred by user, second, it should not be among the 5 random records selected earlier.

The problem with random records it that they are, um, random. We usually cannot reproduce 5 random records to apply further conditions on them.

That's where the CTEs would come handy, but there's a little problem.

A CTE, as Microsoft understands them, is just an alias for an online view.

Therefore, each time a CTE is used in a query, it may (or may not) be reevaluated.

It's not a problem for a plain CTEs which are built out of static columns.

However, this is totally a problem when we try to UNION two queries using an undeterministic CTE (like, ordered by NEWID()), as we would do in this case.

Let's create a sample table and see what happens:

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Written by Quassnoi

July 28th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

Dynamic pivot

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From Stack Overflow:

I have a table and want to transpose its rows to columns, similar to a pivot table but without summarising.

For example I have the following tables:

Question (QuestionID, QuestionText)
Response (ResponseID, ResponseText, QuestionID)

Basically I want to be able to create a dynamic table something like:

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3
Response 1.1 Response 1.2 Response 1.3
Response 2.1 Response 2.2 Response 2.3
Response 3.1 Response 3.2 Response 3.3
Response 4.1 Response 4.2 Response 4.3

The main requirement would be I don't know at design time what the question text will be.

First, let's put it straight: SQL is not a right tool to do this.

SQL operates on sets. An SQL query is a functions that returns a set. And the column layout is an implicit property of a set. It should be defined in design time. This is the way SQL works.

However, there are several approaches that can simplify the task. One of them is using SQL Server's XML abilities.

To arrange the answers in a table, we need to make the following:

  1. Select all questions. This rowset will define the columns of our table.
  2. Select the row numbers for all answers for the question that has the most answers. This rowset will define the rows of our table. The number of rows wil be exactly as the number of answers to the most answered question.
  3. Assign the ordinal number to each answer on any question. This is done using ROW_NUMBER(). This value will uniquely define the position of the answer in a table.
  4. For each row (taken from the rowset made on step 2), take all the questions and LEFT JOIN the answers that need to be put into this row, using the ordinal number calculated on the step 3 as a LEFT JOIN condition. This will put either the answer or an empty string into the corresponding cell.
  5. Transform the rowset retrieved on step above into an XML string made out of <td>'s and enclosed into a <tr>
  6. Transform the resulting rowset into an XML made out of the XML's from the previous step and enclosed into a <table>

Let's create a sample table and see how can we do this:

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Written by Quassnoi

July 27th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server