Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category
Happy New Year!
Oracle New Year tree
WITH tree AS ( SELECT /*+ MATERIALIZE */ ' ,,,"''' AS needles, 'Oo%$&' AS decorations FROM dual ), branches AS ( SELECT level AS id, level - TRUNC((level - 2) / 6) * 2 AS s FROM dual CONNECT BY level <= 24 ) SELECT RPAD(' ', 18, ' ') || '*' AS tree FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT RPAD(' ', 18 - s, ' ') || '/' || ( SELECT REPLACE( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( CASE WHEN DBMS_RANDOM.value < 0.1 THEN SUBSTR(decorations, TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.value * LENGTH(decorations)) + 1, 1) ELSE SUBSTR(needles, TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.value * LENGTH(needles)) + 1, 1) END , '/' ), '/', '' ) FROM tree WHERE CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF = 1 CONNECT BY level <= s * 2 - 1 ) || '\' FROM branches
* |
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SQL Server bottle of champagne
WITH lines AS ( SELECT 1 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n + 1 FROM lines WHERE n < 24 ), bottle_parts (part, lft, body, rgt, w) AS ( SELECT 'mouth', '.', '_', '.', 2 UNION ALL SELECT 'neck', '|', ' ', '|', 2 UNION ALL SELECT 'bell', '/', ' ', '\', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 'border', '/', '=', '\', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 'body', '|', ' ', '|', 7 UNION ALL SELECT 'bottom', '(', '_', ')', 7 ), bottle_lines AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN n = 1 THEN 'mouth' WHEN n BETWEEN 2 AND 8 THEN 'neck' WHEN n = 11 THEN 'border' WHEN n BETWEEN 9 AND 13 THEN 'bell' WHEN n BETWEEN 13 AND 23 THEN 'body' WHEN n = 24 THEN 'bottom' END AS part, n FROM lines ), bottle_width AS ( SELECT bp.*, n, COALESCE(w, (n - 6)) AS width FROM bottle_lines bl JOIN bottle_parts bp ON bp.part = bl.part ), bottle AS ( SELECT n, width, REPLICATE(' ', 18 - width) + lft + REPLICATE(body, width * 2) + rgt AS line FROM bottle_width ), bubbles (pos, m, bubble) AS ( SELECT CAST(ROUND(RAND() * 4, 0, 1) AS INTEGER), 1, ':' AS bubble UNION ALL SELECT pos + ASCII(SUBSTRING(CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(MAX)), 1, 1)) % 3 - 1, m + 1, SUBSTRING(':.oO', m / 3 + 1, 1) FROM bubbles WHERE m < 12 ), limits AS ( SELECT *, 18 + CASE WHEN pos < 1 - width THEN 1 - width WHEN pos > width - 1 THEN width - 1 ELSE pos END AS rpos FROM bottle bo LEFT HASH JOIN bubbles bu ON bu.m = 24 - bo.n ) SELECT SUBSTRING(line, 1, COALESCE(rpos, 1) - 1) + COALESCE(bubble, ' ') + SUBSTRING(line, COALESCE(rpos, 1) + 1, 200) AS bottle FROM limits ORDER BY n
bottle |
.____. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
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(______________) |
PostgreSQL fireworks
WITH centers AS ( SELECT angle, len, ROUND(len * SIN(2 * PI() * angle)) AS x, ROUND(len * COS(2 * PI() * angle)) AS y, ROUND(len * 0.3)::INTEGER + 1 AS trace FROM ( SELECT RANDOM() AS angle, 8 * (1 - POWER(RANDOM(), 3)) AS len FROM generate_series (1, 50) s ) q ), traces AS ( SELECT *, generate_series(1, trace) AS part FROM centers ), parts AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN trace = part THEN LEAST(len * 0.2, 2)::INTEGER ELSE TRUNC(angle * 8 - 0.5)::INTEGER % 4 + 3 END AS symbol, TRUNC(x + part * SIN(2 * PI() * angle)) AS x, TRUNC(y + part * COS(2 * PI() * angle)) AS y FROM traces ) SELECT ARRAY_TO_STRING( ARRAY( SELECT COALESCE( ( SELECT SUBSTR(E'.xX\\-/|', MIN(symbol) + 1, 1) FROM parts WHERE x = col - 14 AND y = row - 12 ), ' ') FROM generate_series(1, 25) col ), '' ) AS FIREWORKS FROM generate_series(1, 24) row
fireworks |
X |
| X |
x| | X |
x | | / |
X\ \x | /x |
X\ \ \ / |
X \ \ x / /xx |
\\ x |. /// |
X-- \ | |
xxx-- . |
Xx-- .. |
xxx-/ --x |
. \\ --X |
. . |
/ \ |
X/ | \ \x |
/ |\ \\ |
// |x\ \ \x |
x/ |\x \ X |
X x\x X |
X |
MySQL postcard
SELECT CONCAT(COALESCE(border, '|'), RPAD(COALESCE(postcard, ''), 61, COALESCE(filler, ' ')), COALESCE(border, '|')) AS postcard FROM ( SELECT id2 * 5 + id1 AS line FROM ( SELECT 1 AS id1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 ) q1 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 AS id2 UNION ALL SELECT 1 ) q2 ) dummy LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 3 AS line, CONCAT(' Dear ', USER(), ',') AS postcard UNION ALL SELECT 4, ' I wish you good luck in the New Year.' UNION ALL SELECT 5, ' May all your plans be optimal, all your queries be answered' UNION ALL SELECT 6, ' and all your estimations be correct.' UNION ALL SELECT 8, ' Yours sincerely,' UNION ALL SELECT 9, ' Quassnoi' ) ln ON ln.line = dummy.line LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS line, '.' AS border, '_' AS filler UNION ALL SELECT 10 AS line, '.' AS border, '_' AS filler ) borders ON borders.line = dummy.line ORDER BY dummy.line
postcard |
._____________________________________________________________. |
| | |
| Dear dbuser@localhost, | |
| I wish you good luck in the New Year. | |
| May all your plans be optimal, all your queries be answered | |
| and all your estimations be correct. | |
| | |
| Yours sincerely, | |
| Quassnoi | |
._____________________________________________________________. |
What is entity-relationship model?

Image by Samuel Mann
A relational database, as we all know from the previous article, stores relations between integers, strings and other simple types in a very plain way: it just enumerates all values related.
This model is extremely flexible, since other relations can be easily derived from existing ones using mathematical formulae, and the relational database takes care of that.
However, database should reflect the real world in some way to be really of use. Since the relational databases store relations between mathematical abstractions and not real world things, we should make some kind of a mapping of ones to the others.
This is what entity-relationship model is for.
An entity-relationship model, as one can easily guess from its name, models relationships between entities.
But since we know that databases do essentially the same, how does it differ from the database model?
- An entity-relationship model states which data and relations between them should be stored
- A database model states how these relations are stored
In other words, ER model is design and database model is one of the ways to implement it. ER model is said to be above the database model in the waterfall developement.
Note that in both cases I use the word stored above. The model says nothing of data and relations between them that may or should exist, only of those that should be stored. Every human being participates in thousands if not millions relationships, but an ER model should state which of them are to be stored, and a relational model should decide how to store them. Of course it would be nice to store them all (and police and insurance would be just happy), but the technology does not allow it yet. Don't know whether it is good or bad.
A typical entity-relationship diagram in Peter Chen's notation looks like this:
What does it mean?
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What is a relational database?
My blog is about SQL, and SQL is about relational databases.
So, what's SQL and what's a relational database and what's an entity-relationship model?
These terms are often misused and this leads to confusion.
In this article, I'd like to explain what a relational database is.
For starters, a little quote from Jack London's The League of the Old Men

An Indian healer
Howkan began to read. Imber listened for a space, when a wonderment rose up in his face and he broke in abruptly.
That be my talk, Howkan. Yet from thy lips it comes when thy ears have not heard.Howkan smirked with self-appreciation. His hair was parted in the middle.
Nay, from the paper it comes, O Imber. Never have my ears heard. From the paper it comes, through my eyes, into my head, and out of my mouth to thee. Thus it comes.
Thus it comes? It be there in the paper?Imber's voice sank in whisperful awe as he crackled the sheets 'twixt thumb and finger and stared at the charactery scrawled thereon.It be a great medicine, Howkan, and thou art a worker of wonders.
It be nothing, it be nothing,the young man responded carelessly and pridefully. He read at hazard from the document:In that year, before the break of the ice, came an old man, and a boy who was lame of one foot. These also did I kill, and the old man made much noise—
It be true,Imber interrupted breathlessly.He made much noise and would not die for a long time. But how dost thou know, Howkan? The chief man of the white men told thee, mayhap? No one beheld me, and him alone have I told.Howkan shook his head with impatience.
Have I not told thee it be there in the paper, O fool?Imber stared hard at the ink-scrawled surface.
As the hunter looks upon the snow and says, Here but yesterday there passed a rabbit; and here by the willow scrub it stood and listened, and heard, and was afraid; and here it turned upon its trail; and here it went with great swiftness, leaping wide; and here, with greater swiftness and wider leapings, came a lynx; and here, where the claws cut deep into the snow, the lynx made a very great leap; and here it struck, with the rabbit under and rolling belly up; and here leads off the trail of the lynx alone, and there is no more rabbit,—as the hunter looks upon the markings of the snow and says thus and so and here, dost thou, too, look upon the paper and say thus and so and here be the things old Imber hath done?
Old Imber made a great analogy. Information is but markings on the snow. When you look at the snow, there are no rabbit or lynx there. But when an experienced hunter sees their traces he can go and find them.
However, the old Indian could only read the information while his nephew could also create it by writing the words on paper and reading them back. He had full control over the information he created.
And for information to be useful, it should be structured.
When a car dealer describes a car he really wants to sell he can spend half an hour talking of magnificent design, good extras and a decent price, but just forget
to mention that, say, the warranty terms are not those you'd expect.
But when you fill a credit card application form, you answer a set of predefined questions. What is your name? Where do you live? How much do you earn? Do you have incurable cancer?
The bank needs all this information to make sure you will pay your debt (or at least they can get a decent price for your debt when it's sold to a collection agency).
And they want you to hide no important information about yourself and to represent all information in such a way that it can be easily interpreted and make sure nothing they are interested in would be forgotten
to answer or left behind.
They want the data to be structured. And by making you to fill a form they enforce the structure of the information you provide.
They force you to use their data model.
Presentation layer
Comments enabled. I *really* need your comment
A question frequently asked by many web application developers:
Where do I build a presentation layer for my data?
Do I do it on SQL side or on PHP / ASP /whatever side?
This is a very interesting question.
A famous Chinese proverb (which like the majority of famous Chinese proverbs is invented by a Western journalist) says A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words.
Image by zedzap
How do you think, why it is? What's so good in a picture?
Seems to be a strange question. A picture just tells more. If you look at a picture, you get an overall impression, which can be hardly expressed using words. Words just don't pull the right strings in your mind, those that a picture does. And the words are harder to read, they are more numerous. And a dozen of other reasons.
However, the main reason seems to be this: you cannot give a complete description of a picture using words
But can it be so that a word is worth a thousand pictures?
Sure it can. And any book fan who had seen the screen version of his favorite work can confirm it.
From Douglas Adams's masterpiece The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
A hole had just appeared in the Galaxy. It was exactly a nothingth of a second long, a nothingth of an inch wide, and quite a lot of million light years from end to end.
Or this one:
Five wild Event Maelstroms swirled in vicious storms of unreason and spewed up a pavement. On the pavement lay Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent gulping like half-spent fish.
Adams knew how to arrange his words so that they draw a perfect, vivid picture in the reader's mind.
The problem is that everyone gets his very own picture.
What do you imagine when reading of a storm of unreason
? Can you show a nothingth of an inch wide
on your fingers? Can you sketch some Vogon poetry to show how really bad it is?
Double-thinking in SQL
One of the first things a novice SQL developer learns about is called thinking in SQL
, which is usually being opposed to procedural thinking
Let's see what part of brain does this intellectual activity take and how to use it.
Two features distinguish SQL from other languages you learned as a 11-year old kid on your first PC, like BASIC or perl or maybe even C++ if you're such a Wunderkind.
First, SQL is set-based. It does things with sets.
Every tool is designed to do things with something else. Like, you use a hammer to do things with nails, or use a screwdriver to do things with screws, or use an oven to do things with food.
Same with computer languages.
BASIC does things with variables. perl does things with scalars, arrays, hashes and file streams. Assembly does things with registers and memory.
You should not be confused by something like registers are just a special case of variables
, or a hash is just a generalized container which exposes this and this method
or something like that. No.
A hash is a hash, a variable is a variable and a register is a register.
Like, an egg is a food and rice is a food and it's possible to cook some eggs in a rice cooker and vice versa, but they are just wrong tools to do that.

Akihabara district in Tokyo City. You can buy any type of gadget you can imagine, which is about 2% of what you will find there.
Prehistoric men had to make do with hammerstones and lithic blades (even to court their women), but now we have a whole district in Tokyo City for gadgets with USB type A, and another district for gadgets with USB type B.
So if you feel the urge to hash something and then make a good old array out of this, you don't use assembly, but perl or PHP instead.
Same with SQL. SQL does things with sets.
It's a tool that allows you to take a dozen or two of sets, mix them together, knead and wedge them then chop them apart and mix again, but the output you get is still a set and all inputs are sets.
Eeverything you do in SQL, you do it on sets. That's why SQL is called a set-oriented language.
Ok, that was the first feature that distinguishes SQL from other languages. What's the second one?
SQL is a declarative language. This means that you express what
you want to do with sets, not how
you want to do it.
This requires a little explanation.
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Schema junk
Many tasks in SQL world can be efficiently performed using stored procedures.
All database management systems of the Big Four
(that is Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL) have a concept of a stored procedure: a little server-managed program written in a procedural language that allows running SQL statements and returning results.
They are widely recommended for use, since they allow easy separation of business rules from data storage rules, fine-grained security, integrity control and all other things software analysts mumble for their living.
People widely accept this theory and if you ask anyone should I use the stored procedures?
, the answer you will get will be a unanimous yes.
The problem is that people rarely use them in fact in real applications. Everybody knows they should but nobody really does.
More than that: despite the fact that stored procedures in fact can be more efficient than plain queries (even for one-time tasks), people often prefer the latter. Writing a procedure to obtain a resultset seems to be an overkill
from the point of view of most developers, they rather prefer doing it with a plain SQL query.
Why so?
Let me tell you another boring story. Don't worry, it won't take long.
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The Island of Misfit Cursors
When I was in the elementary school, I once visited my friend.
His mother greeted us, invited us inside and told us to wash our hands and go to the kitchen. Then she turned on a giant electrical samovar to make us some tea.
When it boiled, she switched it off and the friend took the teapot to fill it with hot water. Wait
, said his mother. Didn't you forget something?
Sorry, mum
, said he, took a long steel spoon and stirred the water inside the samovar with it.
What's that you are doing?
asked I. His mom replied: It's good for the samovar. It will live longer if you stir water with a metal spoon after it boiled, the manual says so
Never knew about it, but OK, good to know.
About a year later my parents and I went to visit my grandmother. We kissed hello and she put exactly same electrical samovar on to boil. When it boiled, I turned it off and took a spoon to stir water. Wait!
the granny shouted. What are you going to do, kill yourself? You don't put metal things inside the electric appliances!
I was quite confused. My friend's mom adviced to do this, and the friend did, and everything is OK. On the other had, granny's statement also made sense: metal is a bad thing to have between you and electricity.
I was 10 or so that time so I forgot that case quickly.
But when the grandma died, she left some of her belongings to me. I went back to her old house and found the box with the samovar. I recalled the spoon and got curious. The box had a manual inside. I opened the page with the warnings and among other things found the following: With this new model, it is safe to stir water using metal objects
As you may know, people never read manuals, and when they do, they get them wrong.
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Back in the end of 90's I had been employed with a small startup which was founded to develop a restaurant management system.
The job listing they posted said PostgreSQL wanted
(sic). And PostgreSQL for sure was something I knew about. You see, I already had experience with PostgreSQL by that time. I was able to install PostgreSQL, create a database, run a query against it and even create a trigger in C (I didn't yet know of pl/pgSQL).
So I applied for the job, got hired and started coding.
Coding what you may ask?
Well, I had no idea. And in fact, nobody did. There were only two requirements for the system.
First, it had to work somehow with a Casio Cassiopeia, which allowed a wireless network module to be installed and used. A waiter had to be able to take your order and it had to get to the kitchen instantly.
Second one was personal. The founders of the company (and me too) used to dine in a small cafe at the basement of the office building. They had a menu, but it didn't correlate with reality. You literally couldn't get anything that was in the menu. They were constantly out of meat, out of tomatoes, out of potatoes (potatoes!). Instead they put a small hand-written piece of paper into the menu which listed everything the had at the time (a soup and a something else), that's if they were in good mood. If they were not, you just placed an order, and a waiter came back in 10 minutes to tell you it was beyond their ability to get some tomatoes and cucumbers to chop you some salad, try ordering something else, thank you.
In our system, that was never ever going to happen. Never. If the kitchen was short of something they needed to cook you a dish you ordered, the system would warn the waiter instantly, and she would tell you to order something else right this minute, that's instead of going to the kitchen and back.
It had to be a killer feature.
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