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Cumulative values
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From Stack Overflow:
There is a table that stores signal statuses that come from different devices.
- SS1 and SS2 signals are inserted to table in random times
- If either of SS1 and SS2 signal statuses is up, then the resulting signal should be up
- If both SS1 and SS2 signal statuses are down, then resulting signal should be down
I want to prepare a query that shows the result signal status changes according to SS1 and SS2 signals
Each record deals with only one signal type here: either SS1 or SS2. To obtain the signal statuses we should query the cumulative values of previous records.
If a record describes a change in SS2, we should query for the most recent change to SS1 that had been recorded so far to obtain the SS1's current status.
In systems other than Oracle, the previous value of a signal could be easily queried using subselects with TOP
clauses. But Oracle does not support correlated queries nested more than one level deep, and limiting a subquery result to a single record (which is required by a subquery) requires it (ORDER BY should be nested). This makes constructing such a subquery in Oracle quite a pain.
However, in Oracle, these things can be queries using analytics functions much more efficiently.
Let's create a sample table:
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Calculating mode
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From Stack Overflow:
I have this query:
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT e_id, scale, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY e_id ORDER BY scale ASC) AS rn, COUNT(scale) OVER(PARTITION BY e_id) AS cn FROM ScoreMaster WHERE scale IS NOT NULL ) SELECT e_id, AVG(scale) AS [AVG], STDEV(scale) AS [StdDev], AVG(CASE WHEN 2 * rn - cn BETWEEN 0 AND 2 THEN scale END) AS [FinancialMedian] MAX(CASE WHEN 2 * rn - cn BETWEEN 0 AND 2 THEN scale END) AS [StatisticalMedian] FROM CTE GROUP BY e_idHow do I add Mode to this query?
A quick reminder: in statistics, mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set.
In other words, for each e_id
, mode is the (exact) value of scale
shared by most records with this e_id
Unlike other statistical parameters used in this query, mode is not guaranteed to have a single value. If, say, 10 records have scale = 1
and 10 other records have scale = 2
(and all other values of scale
are shared by less than 10 records), then there are two modes in this set (and the set, hence, is called bimodal). Likewise, there can be trimodal, quadrimodal or, generally speaking, multimodal sets.
This means that we should define a way on how to choose this mode.
There can be three approaches to this:
- Return every modal value
- Return a single modal value
- Return an aggregate of all modal values
To check all queries, we will generate a simple trimodal dataset:
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Latest visitors
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From Stack Overflow:
Say you want to display the latest visitors on a users profile page.
How would you structure this?
Perhaps a table called
uservisitors userid visitorid time And how would you select this with MySQL without any duplicates?
What I mean is if user 1 visits user 2's profile, then 5 minutes later visits it again, I don't want to show both entries: only the latest.
There are two approaches to this.
First one would be just aggregating the visits, finding the max time and ordering on it. Something like this:
SELECT visitorid, MAX(time) AS lastvisit FROM uservisitors WHERE userid = 1 GROUP BY userid, visitorid ORDER BY lastvisit DESC LIMIT 5
However, there is a little problem with this solution.
Despite the fact that MySQL (with proper indexing) uses INDEX FOR GROUP-BY
optimization for this query, it will still have to sort on MAX(time)
to find 5 latest records.
This will require sorting the whole resultset which will be huge if the service is heavily loaded.
Let's test it on a sample table:
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Happy New Year!
Oracle New Year tree
WITH tree AS ( SELECT /*+ MATERIALIZE */ ' ,,,"''' AS needles, 'Oo%$&' AS decorations FROM dual ), branches AS ( SELECT level AS id, level - TRUNC((level - 2) / 6) * 2 AS s FROM dual CONNECT BY level <= 24 ) SELECT RPAD(' ', 18, ' ') || '*' AS tree FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT RPAD(' ', 18 - s, ' ') || '/' || ( SELECT REPLACE( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( CASE WHEN DBMS_RANDOM.value < 0.1 THEN SUBSTR(decorations, TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.value * LENGTH(decorations)) + 1, 1) ELSE SUBSTR(needles, TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.value * LENGTH(needles)) + 1, 1) END , '/' ), '/', '' ) FROM tree WHERE CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF = 1 CONNECT BY level <= s * 2 - 1 ) || '\' FROM branches
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SQL Server bottle of champagne
WITH lines AS ( SELECT 1 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n + 1 FROM lines WHERE n < 24 ), bottle_parts (part, lft, body, rgt, w) AS ( SELECT 'mouth', '.', '_', '.', 2 UNION ALL SELECT 'neck', '|', ' ', '|', 2 UNION ALL SELECT 'bell', '/', ' ', '\', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 'border', '/', '=', '\', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 'body', '|', ' ', '|', 7 UNION ALL SELECT 'bottom', '(', '_', ')', 7 ), bottle_lines AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN n = 1 THEN 'mouth' WHEN n BETWEEN 2 AND 8 THEN 'neck' WHEN n = 11 THEN 'border' WHEN n BETWEEN 9 AND 13 THEN 'bell' WHEN n BETWEEN 13 AND 23 THEN 'body' WHEN n = 24 THEN 'bottom' END AS part, n FROM lines ), bottle_width AS ( SELECT bp.*, n, COALESCE(w, (n - 6)) AS width FROM bottle_lines bl JOIN bottle_parts bp ON bp.part = bl.part ), bottle AS ( SELECT n, width, REPLICATE(' ', 18 - width) + lft + REPLICATE(body, width * 2) + rgt AS line FROM bottle_width ), bubbles (pos, m, bubble) AS ( SELECT CAST(ROUND(RAND() * 4, 0, 1) AS INTEGER), 1, ':' AS bubble UNION ALL SELECT pos + ASCII(SUBSTRING(CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(MAX)), 1, 1)) % 3 - 1, m + 1, SUBSTRING(':.oO', m / 3 + 1, 1) FROM bubbles WHERE m < 12 ), limits AS ( SELECT *, 18 + CASE WHEN pos < 1 - width THEN 1 - width WHEN pos > width - 1 THEN width - 1 ELSE pos END AS rpos FROM bottle bo LEFT HASH JOIN bubbles bu ON bu.m = 24 - bo.n ) SELECT SUBSTRING(line, 1, COALESCE(rpos, 1) - 1) + COALESCE(bubble, ' ') + SUBSTRING(line, COALESCE(rpos, 1) + 1, 200) AS bottle FROM limits ORDER BY n
bottle |
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PostgreSQL fireworks
WITH centers AS ( SELECT angle, len, ROUND(len * SIN(2 * PI() * angle)) AS x, ROUND(len * COS(2 * PI() * angle)) AS y, ROUND(len * 0.3)::INTEGER + 1 AS trace FROM ( SELECT RANDOM() AS angle, 8 * (1 - POWER(RANDOM(), 3)) AS len FROM generate_series (1, 50) s ) q ), traces AS ( SELECT *, generate_series(1, trace) AS part FROM centers ), parts AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN trace = part THEN LEAST(len * 0.2, 2)::INTEGER ELSE TRUNC(angle * 8 - 0.5)::INTEGER % 4 + 3 END AS symbol, TRUNC(x + part * SIN(2 * PI() * angle)) AS x, TRUNC(y + part * COS(2 * PI() * angle)) AS y FROM traces ) SELECT ARRAY_TO_STRING( ARRAY( SELECT COALESCE( ( SELECT SUBSTR(E'.xX\\-/|', MIN(symbol) + 1, 1) FROM parts WHERE x = col - 14 AND y = row - 12 ), ' ') FROM generate_series(1, 25) col ), '' ) AS FIREWORKS FROM generate_series(1, 24) row
fireworks |
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MySQL postcard
SELECT CONCAT(COALESCE(border, '|'), RPAD(COALESCE(postcard, ''), 61, COALESCE(filler, ' ')), COALESCE(border, '|')) AS postcard FROM ( SELECT id2 * 5 + id1 AS line FROM ( SELECT 1 AS id1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 ) q1 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT 0 AS id2 UNION ALL SELECT 1 ) q2 ) dummy LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 3 AS line, CONCAT(' Dear ', USER(), ',') AS postcard UNION ALL SELECT 4, ' I wish you good luck in the New Year.' UNION ALL SELECT 5, ' May all your plans be optimal, all your queries be answered' UNION ALL SELECT 6, ' and all your estimations be correct.' UNION ALL SELECT 8, ' Yours sincerely,' UNION ALL SELECT 9, ' Quassnoi' ) ln ON ln.line = dummy.line LEFT JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS line, '.' AS border, '_' AS filler UNION ALL SELECT 10 AS line, '.' AS border, '_' AS filler ) borders ON borders.line = dummy.line ORDER BY dummy.line
postcard |
._____________________________________________________________. |
| | |
| Dear dbuser@localhost, | |
| I wish you good luck in the New Year. | |
| May all your plans be optimal, all your queries be answered | |
| and all your estimations be correct. | |
| | |
| Yours sincerely, | |
| Quassnoi | |
._____________________________________________________________. |
Grouping continuous ranges
From Stack Overflow:
I have a ticketing system.
Now I have to select adjacent places when the user asks for 2 or 3 tickets.
Every ticket has a line and column number. The concept of adjacent places is places in the same line with adjacent columns numbers.
These tickets are in an SQL Server database.
Any ideas about this algorithm to search for available adjacent seats?
This is a problem known as grouping continuous ranges
: finding the continuous ranges of the records (in a certain order) having the same value of the grouping column.
For the table in question, the groups will look like this:
Row | Column | Occupied | Group |
1 | 1 | 1 | - |
1 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 3 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 4 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 5 | 1 | - |
1 | 6 | 1 | - |
1 | 7 | 0 | 2 |
1 | 8 | 0 | 2 |
1 | 9 | 1 | - |
1 | 10 | 0 | 3 |
To find the spans of free seats with the required length, we need to group the continuous ranges of rows with occupied = 0
in column
order (within the rows), calculate the counts of records in these groups and return the groups having sufficient value of COUNT(*)
To group something in SQL, we need to have an expression that would have the same value for all records belonging to the group.
How do we build such an expression for the continuous ranges?
In a movie theater, seats are numbered sequentially, so we can rely on the values of the column
being continuous. Now, let's calculate only the records that describe the free seats, and build their row numbers in the column
Row | Column | Occupied | ROW_NUMBER |
1 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 3 | 0 | 2 |
1 | 4 | 0 | 3 |
1 | 7 | 0 | 4 |
1 | 8 | 0 | 5 |
1 | 10 | 0 | 6 |
We see that filtering only free seats broke the column numbering order (the columns numbers are not continuous anymore), but the ROW_NUMBER
s are continuous (by definition). Each occupied seat breaks the continuity of the columns, and the spans of the free seats correspond to the ranges of columns with unbroken continuity.
If the continuity is not broken, column
both increase by 1 with each record. This means that their difference will be constant:
Row | Column | Occupied | ROW_NUMBER | column - ROW_NUMBER |
1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
1 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
1 | 7 | 0 | 4 | 3 |
1 | 8 | 0 | 5 | 3 |
1 | 10 | 0 | 6 | 4 |
The value of difference between column
, therefore, uniquely defines the continuous group the records belong to.
This means we can group on it and do other things (the rest being pure technical).
Let's create a sample table:
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Linked lists in MySQL: multiple ordering
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Answering questions asked on the site.
Rick McIntosh asks:
I have two tables, one with a list of spreadsheets (
) and the other with a list of the column headings that show in the spreadsheets (b
a id parent 1 2 2 0
b id parent aid 1 1 1 2 0 1 3 2 1 4 6 2 5 4 2 6 0 2 I want to bring the columns back in first the order of the spreadsheets as defined by the
then ordered asb.parent_id
id parent aid aparent 6 0 2 0 4 6 2 0 5 4 2 0 2 0 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2
This can be done using the same recursion technique as the one that was used to build a simple linked list.
MySQL does not support recursion directly, but it can be emulated using subquery calls in the SELECT
clause of the query, using session variables to store the recursion state.
In this case we need to do the following:
- Generate a dummy recordset for recursion that would contain as many rows as the resulting recordset. This is best done by issuing a
, without any ordering. The values of the recordset will not be used in the actual query. - Initialize
to be the first value ofa
and a 0, accordingly. - In the loop, make a query that would return the next item of
for the current value of@a
, or, should it fail, return the first item ofb
for the next@a
. This is best done using aUNION ALL
with aLIMIT
. - Adjust
so that is points to the correct item: just select the appropriate value fromb
Let's create a sample table:
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Oracle: joining timestamps and time intervals
From Stack Overflow:
I am making an inner join of two tables.
I have many time intervals represented by
and i want to get measure data frommeasures
only within those intervals. The intervals do not overlap.Here are the table layouts:
intervals entry_time exit_time
measures time measure There are 1295 records in
and about a million records inmeasures
. The intervals do not overlap.The result I want to get is a table with in the first column the measure, then the time the measure has been done, the begin/end time of the considered interval (it would be repeated for row with a time within the considered range)
How can I make this faster?
Straight query
The query to get the results would look like this:
SELECT measures.measure as measure, measures.time as time, intervals.entry_time as entry_time, intervals.exit_time as exit_time FROM intervals JOIN measures ON measures.time BETWEEN intervals.entry_time AND intervals.exit_time ORDER BY time ASC
This looks quite simple. However, choosing the execution plan can be somewhat tricky task for this query.
The table layout gives us no hint on how many rows will be returned from the join. If all intervals begin before the time of the first measure and end after the time of the last measure, then every combination of rows will be returned from both tables and the resulting recordset will in fact be a cartesian product of two tables. If the intervals are short and sparse, few or even no rows can be returned from measures.
However, we know that the intervals do not overlap. This means that each measure may belong to at most one interval and the number of records in the final resultset will be no more than the number of records in measures
Since the condition we join here is a pair of inequalities, only two methods can be used by the engine to perform the join, that is NESTED LOOPS
which is most efficient on large tables requires an equijoin and cannot be used for this query.
sorts both resultsets on the columns it joins on and gradually advances the internal pointer on both sorted row sources so that the values of the columns being joined on in both tables always match. In case of an equijoin, the engine returns only the records holding the current value of the pointer; in case of a join on inequality condition, the engine returns all records greater (or less) than the current value from the corresponding table.
, however, can only satisfy a single inequality condition while we here have two of them on two different columns. The engine should split this condition into the pair of inequalities: the first one will be used by the join; the second one will be just filtered. The query essentially turns into this one:
SELECT measures.measure as measure, measures.time as time, intervals.entry_time as entry_time, intervals.exit_time as exit_time FROM intervals JOIN measures ON measures.time >= intervals.entry_time WHERE measures.time <= intervals.exit_time ORDER BY time ASC
Here, the MERGE JOIN
will be using the predicate in the ON
clause and the filtering will use the predicate in the WHERE
clause. The predicates are symmetrical and can easily be swapped.
However, the join will have to return all records to the filtering code. And with an inequality condition like the one we see above, there will be lots of records. If we take a normal situation: the interval bounds are more or less in accordance with the dates of the first and last measure and the intervals are distributed evenly, then the MERGE JOIN
will return (1265 × 1,000,000) / 2 ≈ 600,000,000
records, each to be filtered on the next step.
From performance's point of view, this is hardly different from a cartesian join: in fact, it needs to process only as few as a half of the rows. These rows, however, need to be sorted beforehand (or taken from the index which is slow to traverse in its sort order), so this can actually even be slower than a cartesian join which does not require the rows to be in any certain order and can use an INDEX FAST FULL SCAN
This means the only efficient way to run this query is using NESTED LOOPS
. To benefit from this method, we should make an index on measures.time
and convince Oracle to use it.
Let's create a sample table:
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Oracle: Selecting records holding group-wise maximum
It was quite a time since I posted my last article, and I have a bunch of unanswered questions that people asked me.
Sorry for not posting and answering for so long, had a few urgent things to do, and hope these breaks won't be so long in the future :)
Now, continuing the series on selecting records holding group-wise maximums:
How do I select the whole records, grouped on
and holding a group-wise maximum (or minimum) on other column?
Finally, Oracle.
We will create the very same table as we did for the previous systems:
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SQL Server: Selecting records holding group-wise maximum (with ties)
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A feedback on the yesterday's article on selecting records holding group-wise maximums in SQL Server.
Gonçalo asks:
Regarding the post I mention on the subject, wouldn't it be easier to obtain the result you're after using the SQL Server specific
This clause (which is indeed specific to SQL Server) returns ties. TOP x WITH TIES
means return TOP x
records, plus all records holding the same values of the ORDER BY
expressions as the last (x
'th) record returned by the TOP
With a little effort this can be used for one of the queries I wrote about yesterday, namely the one that returns all records holding MIN(orderer)
within each group.
However, the efficiency of this solution varies greatly depending on the cardinality of both ordering and grouping columns.
Let's create a sample table:
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SQL Server: Selecting records holding group-wise maximum
Continuing the series on selecting records holding group-wise maximums:
How do I select the whole records, grouped on
and holding a group-wise maximum (or minimum) on other column?
In this article, I'll consider SQL Server.
SQL Server has very rich SQL syntax and its optimizer is really powerful.
However, some tricks are still required to make the queries like this to run faster.
Let's create a sample table:
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