How to create fast database queries

SQL Server: are the recursive CTE’s really set-based?

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Karl asks:

I've read your article about adjacency lists vs. nested sets in Oracle. A nice explanation, thanks.

You write that recursive operations are row-based in Oracle and set-based in SQL Server.

Which approach is better in your opinion?

First, a quick reminder for those who have no idea what's this all about.

Recursive queries are useful to build the hierarchy trees, traverse graphs, generate arbitrary rowsets etc. Usually this involves joining a set with itself an arbitrary number of times.

A recursive query is usually defined by the anchor part (the initial rowset, or the base of recursion) and the recursive part (some operation over the previous resultset).

This is same as with the plain recursion: take some initial data as a parameter, modify it in some way and then pass the result of the modification as a new parameter to the same function.

Since SQL operates with sets, the input and the output if this function should also be the sets. And here is the main differences between the approaches used by Oracle on one side, and SQL Server, PostgreSQL and some more systems on the other side.

Oracle uses CONNECT BY approach, while SQL Server uses recursive CTE approach.


A hierarchical query using a CONNECT BY clause looks like this:

FROM    mytable
        connect_by_condition (PRIOR mytable)

This query uses two clauses: START WITH defines the anchor part, while CONNECT BY defines the recursive parts.

It's an analog of this query:

FROM    mytable m1
        SELECT  m1.*
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable m2
                SELECT  m2.*
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  *
                FROM    mytable m3
                CROSS APPLY
                        SELECT  m3.*
                        UNION ALL
                WHERE   connect_by_condition(m2.*)
        WHERE   connect_by_condition(m1.*)
WHERE   start_with_condition

On each iteration, exactly one record from the previous table is used. Each innermost query can use the values of only one record of the outermost set.

Here's an example rowset:

ID Parent
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 2

and a query over this rowset:

FROM    mytable
        parent IS NULL
        parent = PRIOR id

The anchor part consists of two rows:

ID Parent

, but they are not returned as is. After a row had been returned, the recursive part is being applied to the row:

ID Parent
Recursive condition applied: parent = 1
Recursive condition applied: parent = 2

As you can see, the recursive step can only take the value of a single previous record as an input, while producing a resultset as an output.

The recursive steps are applied to each record independently.

CONNECT BY recursion takes a single record as input and returns a set as an output. It is scalar by nature.

Recursive CTE

A recursive CTE looks like this:

WITH    rows AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   anchor_condition
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    set_operation(mytable, rows)
FROM    rows

It's the same as the following:

WITH    rows AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   anchor_condition
        rows2 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    set_operation(mytable, rows)
        rows3 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    set_operation(mytable, rows2)
FROM    rows
FROM    rows2
FROM    rows3

A set_operation can be any set operation: a JOIN, a UNION, an EXCEPT, whatever. It may involve any number of other tables, functions, in other words everything — as long as it's result (also a set, of course) has the same number and datatypes of columns as the anchor part does.

Here's the example on the same sample data:

ID Parent
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 2

, but with a new query:

WITH    rows AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  mytable.*
        FROM    rows
        JOIN    mytable
        ON      mytable.parent = rows.id
FROM    rows

The anchor part is the same:

ID Parent

and, unlike the CONNECT BY, it is returned at once. The recursive part is only applied when the previous resultset is known, and it's applied to the resultset as a whole:

ID Parent
Recursive part: a JOIN with (1, 2)

, which yields all records of the original table (though not in the tree order)

CTE recursion takes a set on input and returns a set on output. It is set-based by nature.


From this, two importation conclusions can be drawn.

  1. CONNECT BY approach splits the sets returned by the recursion and applies the recursion to each individual record. This is less powerful, since a record is just a special case of a set, but the results naturally come out in the recursion order.
  2. CTE approach allows the recursion to process the set returned on the previous step as a whole. This is more powerful, since a set is a general case of a record, but it takes some extra effort to sort the resultset in the tree order had the need arose.

Everything that can be done using a CONNECT BY approach can be done with a recursive CTE as well, but not vice versa. That's why it's safe to say that recursive CTE approach is more powerful.

However, what's good in theory, is not always as good in implementation.

SQL Server's implementation

SQL Server uses recursive CTE approach which is set based and more powerful. But SQL Server places some limitations on what you can use in the recursive part of the CTE. And severe limitations they are. You cannot use aggregates, cannot use OUTER JOINs, cannot use TOP. Here's the complete list.

What's the reason behind that?

Let's see again the analogs of these two approaches:


SELECT  current_result.*
FROM    previous_result
        SELECT  previous_result.*
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   condition(previous_result.*)
        ) AS current_result

Recursive CTE:

SELECT  previous_result.*
FROM    previous_result
SELECT  current_result.*
FROM    set_operation(previous_result, mytable) AS current_result

The former query can always be rewritten as a latter:

SELECT  previous_result.*
FROM    previous_result
SELECT  current_result.*
FROM    previous_result
JOIN    mytable
ON      condition(previous_result)

In the CROSS APPLY, each row of the previous is returned, then the scalar condition which returns true or false is checked for each row of mytable and current row of the previous_result. This can be rewritten as a JOIN.

The reverse is not always true.

Under which conditions it is possible for a recursive CTE query to be rewritten as a CROSS APPLY query?

For this to be possible, the set_operation used in the second query should distribute over the UNION ALL operation.

What does it mean?

The distributivity is a well-known concept in algebra.

For instance, the multiplication is distributed over addition, this means that x × (y + z) = (x × y) + (x × z) is always true.

But further generalization, power, does not distribute over multiplication. The following condition: x ^ (y × z) = (x ^ y) × (x ^ z) does not always hold.

In other words, distributivity means that the order of operations is not important. You can add the results of multiplication just as well as multiply the results of addition, the final result will always be the same.

This was arithmetics, but concept of distributivity can be applied to relational algebra just as well. A set operation distributes over UNION ALL if the following condition always holds:

set_operation(A UNION ALL B, C) = set_operation(A, C) UNION ALL set_operation(B, C)

It's easy to see that if the condition above is true, the two approaches to the recursion become the same.

Indeed, the operation over the UNION ALL is the same as the UNION ALL over the operations, which is the same as the operation applied to each record of the previous_result. And the latter is exactly what CROSS APPLY does: applies an operation to each record of the set and returns the resultsing sets combined together (as if with UNION ALL).

A JOIN distributes over UNION ALL. However, DISTINCT, aggregates, TOP and some other operations do not.

Maximum over a UNION ALL is not the same as the UNION ALL of the maximums. TOP of a UNION ALL is not the same as the UNION ALL of TOPs, etc.

If we look closer into the restrictions put on the recursive operations by SQL Server we will see that placing these restrictions have one ultimate goal: to forbid all operations that do not distribute over UNION ALL.

Aggregates are forbidden, TOP is forbidden, DISTINCT is forbidden. This is a conspiracy.

However, they cannot lie to the world all the time. They cannot conceal every fact. There are two operations they failed to forbid. And now it's a moment to reveal the truth.


Consider a sample rowset:


Now, let's make a recursive query over this rowset:

WITH    mytable (id) AS
        SELECT  1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3
        q AS
        SELECT  id
        FROM    mytable
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    (
                SELECT  id
                FROM    othertable
                SELECT  *
                FROM    q
                ) q2
FROM    q

What should this query return?

Being rewritten as simple SQL, it yields this:

WITH    mytable (id) AS
        SELECT  1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3
        anchor AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        recursive1 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        SELECT  *
        FROM    anchor
        recursive2 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        SELECT  *
        FROM    recursive1
        recursive3 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        SELECT  *
        FROM    recursive2
        recursive4 AS
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        SELECT  *
        FROM    recursive3
--      , recursive5 AS
--      …
SELECT  *, 'anchor' AS setname
FROM    anchor
SELECT  *, 'recursive1' AS setname
FROM    recursive1
SELECT  *, 'recursive2' AS setname
FROM    recursive2
SELECT  *, 'recursive3' AS setname
FROM    recursive3
SELECT  *, 'recursive4' AS setname
FROM    recursive4
-- …

The setname above is for the sake of clarity only, to distinguish between the sets combined with UNION ALL.

Here's what this query returns:

id setname
1 anchor
2 anchor
3 anchor
1 recursive2
2 recursive2
3 recursive2
1 recursive4
2 recursive4
3 recursive4
9 rows fetched in 0.0003s (0.0006s)

We see that the query returns the whole anchor part which is just a SELECT * FROM mytable:

id setname
1 anchor
2 anchor
3 anchor

The next part, recursive1, applies the EXCEPT operator to the mytable and anchor:

FROM    mytable
FROM    anchor

But since mytable and anchor actually match, the result of this operation is an empty rowset. And that's why we don't see recursive1 in the resultset above.

The next part, recursive2, applies EXCEPT again:

FROM    mytable
FROM    recursive1

This time, the second argument to EXCEPT is empty, and each record from mytable is returned:

id setname
1 recursive2
2 recursive2
3 recursive2

, etc.

EXCEPT applied to mytable and an empty set yields a copy of mytable. EXCEPT applied to the mytable and a copy of mytable yields an empty set. Therefore, the final resultset will be endless, consisting of alternating empty sets and copies of mytable.

The original recursive query, in theory, should return the same rowset. Let's check if it's really so:

WITH    mytable (id) AS
        SELECT  1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3
        othertable (id) AS
        SELECT  4
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  5
        q AS
        SELECT  id
        FROM    mytable
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  *
        FROM    (
                SELECT  id
                FROM    mytable
                SELECT  *
                FROM    q
                ) q2
FROM    q

This differs much from what we expected to see.

Let's check what happened.

The anchor part returned the first three rows just as it had to:


The next set (recursive1) should have been empty. But it has 2 rows instead:


This could only happen it the EXCEPT clause was applied to the last record of the anchor set rather than to the whole anchor:

FROM    mytable
FROM    anchor
        id DESC

The query above would yield the same results.

In recursive2, the EXCEPT operator, had it been applied to the whole resultset returned by the previous query, would yield a single row 3. However, it returns 1 and 3, which means that EXCEPT clause was again applied only to the last row.

This is not how a properly designed set-based recursive CTE should behave. But this is exactly how CONNECT BY query behaves. It splits the recordset into separate records and applies the recursive part to each record individually.


Analytical functions without PARTITION BY clause do not distribute over UNION ALL as well.

A UNION ALL of two queries containing the ROW_NUMBER's is not the same as a ROW_NUMBER applied to the results of a single UNION ALL query. The latter would return a single consecutive counter, while the former would count the records in each query separately.

ROW_NUMBER's, however, are still allowed in SQL Server 2005.

Consider this adjacency list rowset defining a tree:

ID Parent
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 2

and make a simple tree query over it:

WITH    mytable (id, parent) AS
        SELECT  1, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  4, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  5, 2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  6, 2
        q AS
        SELECT  *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   parent IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  mytable.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mytable.id)
        FROM    q
        JOIN    mytable
        ON      mytable.parent = q.id
FROM    q

The tree is only two levels deep, that's why this query can be rewritten as this:

WITH    mytable (id, parent) AS
        SELECT  1, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  4, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  5, 2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  6, 2
        anchor AS
        SELECT  *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   parent IS NULL
        recursive1 AS
        SELECT  mytable.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mytable.id) AS rn
        FROM    anchor
        JOIN    mytable
        ON      mytable.parent = anchor.id
FROM    anchor
FROM    recursive1

id parent rn
1 1
2 2
3 1 1
4 1 2
5 2 3
6 2 4
6 rows fetched in 0.0004s (0.0012s)

The recursive part returns 4 records and calculates a ROW_NUMBER over this set. The values returned by ROW_NUMBER are from 1 to 4, just as they should be.

Now, let's check the recursive query:

WITH    mytable (id, parent) AS
        SELECT  1, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2, NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  4, 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  5, 2
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  6, 2
        q AS
        SELECT  *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   parent IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  mytable.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mytable.id)
        FROM    q
        JOIN    mytable
        ON      mytable.parent = q.id
FROM    q
id parent rn
1 1
2 2
5 2 1
6 2 2
3 1 1
4 1 2
6 rows fetched in 0.0003s (0.0011s)

See now?

The ROW_NUMBER's are not consecutive. Instead of a single sequence from 1 to 4, there are two sequences from 1 to 2.

Again, that's exactly what a CONNECT BY query (or a CROSS APPLY) would return.


There are two approaches to implementing a recursive query:

  1. One approach is record-based. A recursive part takes a record as a parameter and returns a set. It is then separately applied to each record of the set returned . This approach is implemented by Oracle in CONNECT BY queries.
  2. Another approach is set-based. A recursive part takes a set as a parameter, processes it as a whole and returns a new set. It is then passed as a parameter to the next iteration. This approach can be implemented by recursive CTE's

The record-based approach is better for building hierarchies because it naturally returns the records in the tree order. However, it's less powerful in theory.

The set-based approach is more powerful in theory, since it can process a set as a whole and more complex conditions can be applied. Extra effort is required to sort the resulting recorset in the tree order but it is still possible though less efficient.

In theory, recursive CTE's are more powerful and therefore should be preferred.

SQL Server nominally impelements recursive CTE's, but in fact they are no more than CONNECT BY queries in disguise. No real set-based operations can be performed over these CTE's, only the record-based ones.

SQL Server efficiently combines limitations of the record-based approach used by CONNECT BY with the absence of the natural tree ordering implied by the set-based approach used by recursive CTE's.

That's why I'd say that Oracle as of 10g implements recursive queries better than SQL Server as of 2005.

Hope that helps.

I'm always glad to answer the questions regarding database queries.

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Written by Quassnoi

November 18th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in SQL Server

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