How to create fast database queries

Archive for July 15th, 2009

Oracle: OR on multiple EXISTS clauses

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From Stack Overflow:

I have two queries, and I want to understand which is better in terms of performance and memory:

FROM    tbl_b b,
        tbl_a a ,
        tbl_c c,
        tbl_d d
        b.id1 = a.id1
        AND a.id1 = c.id1
        AND UPPER(c.flag) = 'Y'
        AND c.id1 = d.id1
        b.id2 = a.id2
        AND a.id2 = c.id2
        AND UPPER(c.flag) = 'Y'
        AND c.id2 = d.id2
        AND d.id3 = 10


FROM    tbl_a a
        SELECT  a.id1, a.id2
        FROM    tbl_c c
        WHERE   (a.id1 = c.id1 OR a.id2 = c.id2)
                AND UPPER(c.flag) = 'Y'
        AND EXISTS
        SELECT  a.id1, a.id2
        FROM    tbl_b b
        WHERE   b.id1 = a.id1 OR b.id2 = a.id2
        AND EXISTS
        SELECT  a.id1, a.id2
        FROM    tbl_d d
        WHERE   (a.id1 = d.id1 or a.id2 = d.id2)
                AND d.id3 = 10

The tables tbl_b and tbl_d are very large tables containing 500,000 to millions of rows, while table tbl_a is relatively small.

My requirement is to pick up only those records from table tbl_a, whose id (either id1 or id2) is available in tbl_b, tbl_c, and tbl_d tables, satisfying certain other conditions as well.

Which is best performance-wise?

We can see that both these queries contain an OR condition, a nightmare for most optimizers.

The first query uses a join on all four tables, concatenating the results and making a distinct set out of them.

The second query check each row in tbl_a, making sure that the corresponding records exists in other tables in one or another way.

These queries are not identical: the first query will select the rows from tbl_a matching all tables on same id (either three matches on id1 or three matches on id2), while the second query returns rows matching on any id

This is, if we have a row matching tbl_b and tbl_c on id1 and tbl_d on id2, this row will be returned by the second query but not the first.

Both these queries will perform poorly on large tables. However, we can improve them.

Let's create the tables, fill them with sample data and make the improvements:
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Written by Quassnoi

July 15th, 2009 at 11:00 pm

Posted in Oracle